Healthplans want “Integrated Care”: But where are all the psychotherapists?

Healthplans want “Integrated Care”: But where are all the psychotherapists?

If there is a psychotherapist in the medical setting as the integrated care provider there is usually severe limitation on patient-therapist contact.  Brief counseling may be effective in some situations. In others it can be counter-productive. 

The perception that integrated care has positive outcomes may be an artifact of patients’ discouragement.  Patients who do not seek other help after the integrated care encounter may have come to believe that no help is available or possible.

What is the Role of Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Mental Health?

What is the Role of Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Mental Health?

The healthcare industry promotes the use of Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) to engage patients in giving information to their health care providers about patients’ responses to care given for their health conditions, medical and mental health symptoms, pain, etc.  PROMs allow health care providers to have feedback concerning patients’ well-being, physical and emotional functional status, health behaviors, and experience with care.  

Grass Roots Mental Health Professionals in Oregon are First to Offer Alternative Payment Methods

Grass Roots Mental Health Professionals in Oregon are First to Offer Alternative Payment Methods

AMHA-Oregon mental health professionals are pushing from a provider perspective to create what can realistically be done to deliver and measure quality. Put simply, ConnectingCare implements quality measures for access, coordination with physicians and incorporation of patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) as a routine part of mental health care.